Friday 19 February 2021

The Best of Arcade Flyers - Part 1

Oh hey, what's going down? I'm sure I am not alone in my appreciation of game art. Back in my day when life made sense (kind of), that was usually in the form of adverts in the magazines of the time or the covers of the games themselves, but one major 'format' not covered by either of those is that of the sacred arcade, birth place and home of many of the most revered and loved games for generations.

For arcade games, these 'adverts' usually came in the form of flyers that were sent to arcades the world over to try and tempt said arcade's operator to bring in the game. Obviously, unless you were one of those owners, or at least knew one, these flyers went largely unseen. To that end, please join me in a celebratory tootle for this new series of Red Parsley posts which will feature what are in my opinion the finest flyers to grace... umm, paper I guess, or whatever they were printed on.

These posts will be by letter in alphabetical order. First up are games whose titles start with a number. There obviously wasn't much choice here so the selection isn't great (or plentiful) but I present it nonetheless. Greater things are to come...

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