The one comfort we took during this period came via the often-fab 'loading screens' that most developers included to whet our appetites. I've now amassed a fairly sizeable gallery of my favourite examples and am happy to present them before you now, for your (possible) viewing pleasure! Behold, the fifty loading screens that make up the first of what will probably end up being about five or six posts:

Good screenshots there. I've always liked the hi-res and vibrant colours of those loading screens on the Spectrum. Even better when the artist manages to reduce the colour clash with clever techniques (and that's coming from a Commodore 64 fan!!)
ReplyDeleteYeah, they're pretty great huh? They only really took off in the latter half of the Speccy's life but there were still some fantastic examples. Great artwork and just for a few minutes to keep us occupied while we waiting for the games to load. Jolly nice of the coders :)
ReplyDeleteAticAtac! I used to love that one :)
ReplyDeleteHi Annabelt, that sure is a good one, much like most of Ultimate's releases :P
ReplyDeleteAlways thought Batman Caped Crusader screen was one of the best.
ReplyDeleteAs a firm C64 man, from what I remember, the Codies games Bubble Dizzy and CJ had different (and better!) loading screens on the 64.
Though I must admit the screens for Chain Reaction and ACE 2088 especially, look better on the Speccy.
Yep, the Batman one is fantastic, perhaps a contender for the best one of all. I never saw a single C64 loading screen growing up. I know it's strange but I didn't have a single C64-owning friend, only Speccy and CPC, but I'm sure the old brown breadbin has a good few superb examples of its own :)
ReplyDeleteBobby Bearing was an amazing game though you might not think so from the screenshot. Isometric 3d with real phyics, hard to believe they did it in 48k. I remember queueing up for Dynamo which was right at the end of the Speccy's life and perhaps the last game by Codemasters for the platform.
ReplyDeleteYou mean the Bobby Bearing loading screen above? It may not be a technical masterpiece but it makes me smile, so job done! Great game too, you're right there :)