Arcade Version
After a long and arduous struggle (which took somewhat longer than expected), I've finally managed to finish this damn fine (but also damn long and difficult!) game. Regrettably, I'm not as skilled as I once was as far as playing games is concerned (getting old I guess), and even at my peak I never had the talent that some players have. Like those who can complete this classic with just one credit, for example! Suffice to say, I got stuck a few times (hence the delay in posting Part 2) and had to seek the guidance of an expert or two.
Only then, however, did I discover that those crafty scoundrel's at Taito don't give you the proper ending unless you finish the game with two players. So back I went to complete the game again, after adding a few credits for a non-existent second player, so I could detail the 'proper' ending here. Then I find out that I've still not earned the full ending! To do that I have to decipher the mysterious code that I received on earning the 'Happy Ending', but I think I'll leave that for another time! Taito sure know how to get the most out of a game, huh? As I mentioned in my review, this is a game full of intricacies and secrets!
I'm informed that, on top of all this, there is also a 'Super Mode' which sees some of the levels change colours and some of the enemies switch places. Perhaps I'll look into that for a potential 'Parts 3 & 4' though! Jeez! Anyway, behold I bestow unto thee part two of the much fabled Bubble Bobble Gallery!