Director: Tom Hooper Starring: Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter, Geoffrey Rush, Guy Pearce, Michael Gambon, Claire Bloom, Derek Jacobi
Certificate: 15 Running Time: 118 Minutes
Tagline: "The nation awaits"
I used to hate the Oscars. Well, not the awards themselves so much, but more the kind of films that used to win them. They generally featured some outstanding acting displays, lavish costumes, and all the rest of it, but they're not often much fun, are they? More often than not they're true stories of someone overcoming some sort of adversity or something like that and I used to actually avoid them, condemning them all as dreary dramas with little of interest. I guess my tastes changed over time though and I realised how many great films I'd passed on simply due to the particular kind of recognition they'd received. Films like The King's Speech, which was nominated for and subsequently awarded pretty much all the major Oscars this year. Ten years ago I would've avoided this film like the plague. Today? I wouldn't say I was super-excited at the prospect of seeing it but I was certainly willing to give it a try. But does it live up to all the hype?

Equally amusing is Bertie's discomfort at being forced out of his comfort zone by Logue (who insists on addressing him informally), and between 'therapy' scenes the two unlikely friends share less formal chats which shed a lot of light on, not only Bertie's upbringing, but royal life generally as well. The script is great anyway but many of Logue's lines were also quoted directly from the real Logue's notebooks, although there were a few liberties taken with the historical accuracy elsewhere. It's nothing major though and most viewers, myself included, probably won't even notice. The lovely Helena Bonham Carter plays a very appealing future Queen Mum, equally teasing and devoted, and Guy Pearce uses his limited screen time well as Bertie's arrogant older brother. There's even time for Timothy Spall to make an appearance as Winston Churchill!
The sets and costumes and everything else here are also exquisite but it's those performances that'll transfix you. For a man with such a speech impediment, Firth says an awful lot as Bertie, and all without the benefit of words for the most part. It's a testament to his acting abilities that you'll feel his discomfort, frustration, and sadness in every scene. As all the pompous, seemingly unimportant royal and political intrigue gathers pace and suddenly becomes much more pressing and urgent, you'll be swept along with it all and as the climax of the film arrives and the King has to make his titular Speech, you'll be willing him along as well. You may even be left speechless!
RKS Score: 9/10
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